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How to Avoid the Most Common Plumbing Blockages

One of the most common household problems is plumbing blockages. Whether it’s a clogged sink, toilet, or shower drain, these issues can be frustrating to deal with. However, there are simple preventive measures you can take to avoid these blockages in the first place. In this guide, we’ll discuss some of the most common plumbing blockages and provide tips on how to avoid them, so you can keep your household running smoothly.

Types of Plumbing Blockages

Before we dive into prevention techniques, it’s important to understand the different types of plumbing blockages that can occur. The three most common types include:

  • Food waste in kitchen sinks
  • Hair and soap scum in shower drains
  • Toilet paper and foreign objects in toilets

Knowing the root cause of these blockages can help you take preventive measures to avoid them in the future.

Preventive Measures for Kitchen Sinks

One of the main culprits for clogged kitchen sinks is food waste. To prevent clogs in your kitchen sink, be mindful of what goes down the drain. One major cause of blockages is food waste, so make sure to scrape plates and dishes before rinsing them in the sink. Additionally, avoid pouring oil or grease down the drain as they can solidify and create a buildup over time. Using a drain strainer can also help catch any food particles before they make their way into the pipes. By following these simple preventive measures, you can keep your kitchen sink running smoothly.

Don’t forget to educate kids on the proper protocol for using the kitchen sink. This includes teaching them not to put any non-food items down the drain, such as toys or utensils. Additionally, encourage them to scrape their plates and dishes before rinsing them in the sink. By instilling these habits at a young age, you can help prevent future plumbing blockages.

Avoiding Blockages in Shower Drains

Hair and soap scum are the main causes of blockages in shower drains. To prevent blockages in your shower drain, be sure to take precautions against hair and soap scum. One way to do this is by installing a hair catcher or drain cover over the drain. This will catch any loose hairs before they make their way into the pipes.

Another preventive measure is regularly cleaning out any built-up soap scum in the drain. You can use a homemade mixture of baking soda and vinegar to do this. Finally, avoid pouring oils or fats down the shower drain as they can also cause buildup over time.

Tips for Keeping Toilets Clear

Toilets are often clogged due to excessive toilet paper usage or foreign objects being flushed. To prevent toilet blockages, try to be mindful of what gets flushed down the toilet. Avoid flushing large amounts of toilet paper at once and encourage household members to only flush human waste and toilet paper.

It’s also a good idea to keep small items, such as cotton balls and wipes, away from the toilet to avoid accidental flushing. By following these simple tips, you can keep your toilet functioning properly.

Tips for Yard Plumbing

In addition to blockages inside the house, outdoor plumbing can also become blocked. This can occur from leaves and debris clogging gutters and downspouts, or tree roots growing into pipes. To prevent these types of blockages, it’s important to regularly clean out gutters and trim trees near any outdoor plumbing fixtures. Additionally, be mindful of what goes down outdoor drains and avoid pouring any chemicals or oils into them. This can cause damage to the pipes and lead to blockages.

Septic Tanks and Sewage Lines

For homes with a septic tank or connected to a sewage line, be sure to adhere to recommended maintenance schedules. This includes regular pumping and inspections to prevent buildup and blockages in the system. It’s also important to avoid flushing any items that are not meant to be flushed, as this can cause serious damage and blockages in the septic tank or sewage line.

Additional Tips for Preventing Plumbing Blockages

Aside from being mindful of what goes down your drains and toilets, there are a few additional tips you can follow to prevent plumbing blockages:

  • Regularly schedule professional drain cleaning services to clear out any buildup and maintain the health of your pipes
  • Avoid using chemical-based drain cleaners as they can damage your pipes over time
  • Install drain screens in all of your sinks and tubs to catch any potential blockages before they happen

When to Call in a Pro

In some cases, despite your best efforts, you may still encounter a plumbing blockage. If this happens, it’s important to call in a professional plumber for assistance, such as someone at Alternative Plumbing Plus Inc. They have the proper tools and expertise to clear out even the toughest clogs and get your plumbing back up and running smoothly.

By following these preventive measures, you can keep your plumbing free from blockages and save yourself from the hassle of dealing with clogged drains and toilets. Remember to also schedule regular maintenance checks with a professional plumber to ensure your plumbing system is in good working condition. With these tips in mind, you can avoid the most common plumbing blockages and keep your household running smoothly. Best of luck, homeowner!
