Unless you are a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder, then you likely don’t enjoy dusting your room regularly. But this task should not be overlooked especially if you are prone to allergies.
Dust is one of the most common triggers of allergies and respiratory problems at home. And the bad news is that it is found in almost every house, whether it’s a humble apartment or a mansion.
This can lead you to ask: how often should I dust my room? We will answer that question in this article. And for good measure, we will give you some tips on how to effectively get rid of dust in your place.
How often should you dust your room?
Like death and taxes, dust is one of the unavoidable things in life. In the United States alone, it is said that an average home collects around 40 pounds of dust in a year.
Dust is not dirt at all. It is a combination of microscopic items like human skin cells, pet hair and dander, broken down fabric fibers, and particles from soil, wood, and paint, among others.
So how often should you get rid of dust in your room? Experts have different answers to this question.
According to Pro Housekeepers, a Google-verified cleaning company, dusting at home should be done at least once a month. This applies to easy-to-reach areas of the room such as furniture, windows, and doors.
For hard-to-reach areas like ceilings and high shelves, dusting should be done once every three to six months. Going any longer may put you and your family at a higher risk of allergies and respiratory problems.
But Good Housekeeping has a different take on this issue. According to the women’s online magazine, dusting furniture should be done at least once a week. Dusting and cleaning blinds and light fixtures should be scheduled at least once a month.
So which one should you follow? The educated guess is it depends on factors like the health of your family members.
If you or someone in your home suffers from an allergic reaction, then it might be wiser to heed the recommendation of Good Housekeeping. If no one in the family has an allergic reaction, then you might want to schedule dusting at least once a month.
The frequency of dusting your room may also hinge on other factors. If you have pets in your house, then you should frequently dust your house as pet dander is one of the primary causes of dust.
How to get rid of dust in your room
Now that we have answered your query on how frequent should you be dusting your room, the next question you may have in mind may pertain to the most effective way of getting rid of dust in your place.
There’s debate as to which should come first– vacuuming or dusting. Author Donna Smallin, however, suggests vacuuming first before dusting.
In her book, “The One-Minute Cleaner Plain & Simple: 500 Tips for Cleaning Smarter, Not Harder,” she explains that vacuuming can blow around microscopic dust particles which can then be removed by dusting.
Start by vacuuming the main sources of dust in the room– carpets and rugs. Being high-traffic areas, rugs and carpets can collect dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens. Vacuuming them regularly can reduce the volume of dust particles.
You can use a robot vacuum or a vacuum for stairs for this purpose. Use a canister vacuum for getting rid of dust in hard-to-reach areas while a handheld vacuum comes in handy in dusting furniture.
If you have a hybrid robot mop that can vacuum and mop the floor, then you are lucky as it can make dusting the home a lot faster and easier!
At the end of a vacuuming job, empty the canister. Don’t forget to change bags when needed.
After vacuuming, you can then dust the room. Yet you may wonder: how should I dust my area? It begins by having the right tool.
You may have seen your mom in the past use an old T-shirt or even a paper towel in dusting. But those things will only move dust around. In the case of a paper towel, it may even potentially leave scratches in your furniture.
Instead of using those things, why don’t you use a microfiber cloth to capture dust? Microfiber cloth can attract dust like a magnet. Watch this YouTube video to learn how effective a microfiber cloth is in getting rid of dust. You may also use a microfiber duster to trap more dust.
Other tips to keep in mind
There are other preventive measures you can take to minimize dust in your room. For example, you can change the air filters in your air-conditioning unit at least once a month. Air filters catch dust particles, so it would be wise to clean and replace them regularly.
You should also consider decluttering. Get rid of things you don’t need. Remember that the more items you have in your room, the more nooks for dust particles to accumulate. Also, keep your shoes out of your room as it is also a common source of dust.
Cutting down on textiles can also help you cut down on the volume of dust particles that accumulate in your room. Maybe you should go with bare wood floors instead of having carpets or rugs?
Finally, change your bedding at least once a week. Remember that dust mites dwell in pillows, mattresses, and sheets. Changing them regularly should prevent dust from accumulating.
So, how often should you dust your room? Experts have various answers to this question. Some say once a month; others say once a week.
But the safest answer would be to factor in the health of the users. People who are prone to allergies should consider dusting their rooms more frequently.
Do you have any questions about the frequency of dusting a room? Don’t hesitate to write them in the comments section below!